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Dec 19, 2024 · French and English words, phrases and idioms: meaning, translation, usage. Mots, expressions et tournures idiomatiques françaises et anglaises : signification
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Oct 16, 2015 · The main usage of quotation marks is the same in both languages: quoting or emphasizing words or phrases. The typography rules are however a bit different.
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Mar 8, 2007 · russian Jun 16, 2019 #4 Can someone "confide a secret to another one"? B. baovsk Member. slovak
Forum.wordreference.comBiology or biology - WordReference Forums
Nov 22, 2009 · In the following sentences, should the name of the field of study be in a captical letters or small letters? 1. John was a student on a master's programme in biology (or Biology)? 2 John was a student on a MSc in biology (or Biology)? Two friends helped me proofread my assignment and one
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russian - Russia Nov 8, 2011 #1 Dear all, What is the best phrase when we contrast two situations:
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Dec 10, 2010 · Hello eveybody, Do we say "French-based company" or a "France-based company"? Thank you!
Forum.wordreference.comwatch someone something | WordReference Forums
Jul 5, 2006 · He would normally say this when he intended to do something completely, to finish it, so the plain form 'do' is more likely, as explained in the comments above: 'do' for a complete action, 'doing' for part of a continuing action. (This is not a strong distinction like verb aspect in your native russian, but only a tendency. They often overlap.)
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Oct 17, 2006 · russian & English (American Midwest) May 26, 2010 #31 From wikipedia: In many parts of the world