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“Programming” versus “programing”: which is preferred?
May 4, 2015 · program also programme vt programmed or programed; programming or programing 1 a : to arrange or furnish a program of or for : BILL b : to enter in a program 2 : to work out a sequence of operations to be performed by (as an electronic computer) — programmer. Notice that programer is not an option here. It is quite possible that, going
English.stackexchange.comprogramming - What does the punctuation "//" mean? - English …
Other programming style behaviors include ^H and nested or malformed ( ) [ ] { } pairs: I will stalk^H^H^H^H^Hfollow you everywhere! I like pizza (with olives (except green olives (but you can put them on your half of the pizza))).
English.stackexchange.comIs it wrong to use the word "codes" in a programming context?
Yes, it is wrong to use the word "codes" in the programming world if source code is implied: Noun. source code (uncountable) (computing, uncountable) Human-readable instructions in a programming language, to be transformed into machine instructions by a compiler, interpreter, assembler or other such system.
English.stackexchange.comWhen I say "comment out", does it mean to uncomment …
Aug 16, 2021 · @Genesis: To clarify, as I understand it, to comment out means to leave the unwanted code unchanged, but insert before it (and after, for multi-line comments) the relevant character sequence that makes the compiler ignore that code when compiling.
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Zhihu.comWord for person interested in latest technology programming-wise
Dec 15, 2010 · @CJM Yes the "latest developments" part might render "technophile" an inadequate choice, but I was trying to see if using the programming language as a noun adjunct as in "Java technophiles" sounded natural, and you seem not to have noticed this. –
English.stackexchange.com怎么找到浙江大学翁恺老师的c语言设计pat练习题? - 知乎
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这是The C++ programming Language中第七章的一页,不要深究这段话是什么意思,我拍这张图是想说明,在The C++ programming Language这本书中,讲解一个东西的时候,经常把所有和这个东西相关的,包括后续章节的内容,都提一下。
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Jun 27, 2015 · +1, I like that this is the first answer to address the multiple Unicode code points involved. However, I think you might mention that regardless of the characters' names or official prescriptions for use, the less-than and greater-than signs are commonly used as a type of brackets, probably because they can easily be typed and their display is more widely …
English.stackexchange.comBracket vs brace - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Sep 23, 2010 · Also of note in programming, "angle brackets" are also commonly referred to as left and right carets. Since these characters can represent either a form of bracket, less than/greater than operator, or object hierarchy delimiter, this term is generally preferred when you have no context for how it is being used.