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household,“家喻户晓”中的那个“户”就是household,所以househoodname就是指“家喻户晓的名人”.这个词最常用在社会调查中,作为一个基本的调查单位,它所表示的“家庭”并不具有血缘意义上的关系,而是指居住在同一栋房子里的全部人员,户籍统计中我们统计的就是household,而不是home或 … your household | WordReference Forums
Feb 4, 2017 · Hi, I'd like to know which of the two prepositions (at/in) is appropriate in the following examples. 1. What kind of car do you have at/in your household? 2. What kind of heating system do you have at/in your household? Will the meaning of the "household" in the sentence change depending on
Forum.wordreference.com人口普查中的"household"准确界定是什么,怎么翻译?“family …
household包含的是住在一起的人,可以是亲属,也可以不是亲属,比如佣人、管家或者其他成员,有点类似我们国家说的“户口”、“户”的含义,比如我国人口普查报告中有一个概念“家庭户”,官方提供的译文是 family household。
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Aug 26, 2006 · family和household的区别?都是表示“家”的意思,但用起来还是有区别的。home主要指家庭成员在一起生活的地方,如:家、家乡、本国;这里既可以指实实在在的家,也有抽象的家的含义house主要指建筑物、住宅family主要 vs Household chores - WordReference Forums
Oct 14, 2021 · Hi there, What is the difference between "Housework" and "household chores"? I think that doing housework like cooking, basic cleaning, use the word "Housework", and for more difficult things like fixing plumbing, drilling walls, removing …
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May 12, 2014 · home appliance 和 household appliance什么区别 appliance 指执行特殊功能的装置或器具,特别是烤炉、电冰箱、微波炉、吸尘器、洗衣机等家用电器,当然也不排除其他特殊设备 home 指家庭居住的处所,househol如何理解Householder变换和Givens旋转? - 知乎
一、householder变换. 其实这个非常浅显,就是镜面反射变换。对于 n 维的欧氏空间,我们要对指定向量 \overrightarrow{x} 进行「镜面」反射,而这个镜面,不用说也知道是一个 n-1 维的子空间:而只要给定它的法向量 \overrightarrow{u} ,就可以唯一确定这个「镜面」。
Zhihu.comforms of address for 17th century servants - WordReference Forums
Sep 9, 2020 · My first thought was to agree with you that 'Ma'am' came later, but I think maybe I was influenced by later and contemporary use (in the UK) - 'ma'am' does go back to around 1600, and it is noticeable (from court records etc. of the period) that uneducated maid-servants in that sort of household often used the word 'dame' as well as 'mistress' in referring to the woman …
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Sep 25, 2009 · “If [a man], truly supporting his wife and children, and not troubling their hearts by grieving at hunger and cold, makes his household return medicine because he is saving coins, his blindness still will not be severe, and he will almost again see heaven and earth, sun and moon.” Please tell me where I've misunderstood the text.
Forum.wordreference.comlady who takes care of the children | WordReference Forums
Mar 30, 2007 · Hi! Does anyone know how is called a lady who (as her profession) takes care of the children (by day) of people who has to go to work during the day? (I don't mean a baby sitter, since that is not a profession and it 's done by younsters a lot of …