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.NET Framework是什么? - 知乎
什么是.NET?什么是.NET framework?本文将从上往下,循序渐进的介绍一系列相关.NET的概念,先从类型系统开始讲起,我将通过跨语言操作这个例子来逐渐引入一系列.NET的相关概念,这主要包括:CLS、CTS(CLI)、FCL、Windows下CLR的相关核心组成、Windows下托管程序运行概念、什么是.NET framework,.NET Core,.NET
Zhihu.comterminology - Framework vs. Toolkit vs. Library - Stack Overflow
Jul 21, 2015 · A framework is a robust library or collection of libraries that provides a "foundation" for your code. A framework follows the Inversion of Control pattern. For example, the .NET framework is a large collection of cohesive libraries in which you build your application on top of.
Stackoverflow.comDifference between a module, library and a framework
Nov 4, 2010 · The difference between a framework and other kinds of modules in a program is that the former emphasizes a mostly complete, freezed but adaptive and extensible solution of some common work, so the user of the framework can focus on the domain-specific and project-specific problems instead of writing glue code to put different libraries together and to make …
Stackoverflow.comDifferences between .NET vs .NET Core vs .NET Standard vs …
Jul 23, 2023 · .NET framework (older) and .NET Core (current) are the two different implementations of .NET from Microsoft. .NET framework is for developing Windows and Web application for the Windows platform. .NET Core (now .NET ) is a cross-platform and open source framework for building applications which can run on Mac, Linux or Windows.
Stackoverflow.comVisual Studio Code for .NET Framework - Stack Overflow
Dec 8, 2017 · Debugging a .NET framework project in VS Code is as simple as creating a launch configuration and an optional build task. Launch Configuration The launch configuration specifies the application you wish to attach to, and is stored in a file named launch.json stored in a folder at the root of your workspace named .vscode .
Stackoverflow.comHow to install .NET 4 Framework in Windows 10 - Stack Overflow
Mar 1, 2016 · It includes all the related files from multi-targeting packs for the .NET framework 4.0.1 and for the .NET framework 4.0.2. Therefore, you do not have to install the previous multi-targeting packs separately after you install Multi-Targeting Pack for the Microsoft .NET framework 4.0.3 for building any new projects.
Stackoverflow.comHow do I reference a .NET Framework project in a .NET Core …
Jul 1, 2016 · Copied all files from .NET framework to .NET standard We copied all the class files from .NET framework to .NET standard projects. We then removed all the .NET framework class libraries from the solution and added references to the new class libraries. All projects compiled on the 1st try itself and all our test cases too passed with minor changes.
Stackoverflow.comWhich version of the .NET Framework is IIS using for my AppPool?
On the Application Pools page, select the application pool for which you want to specify a .NET framework version, and then click Basic Settings in the Actions pane. In the Edit Application Pool dialog box, in the .NET framework version list, Check the version of .Net framework. …
Stackoverflow.comHow to find the .NET framework version of a Visual Studio project?
Jul 12, 2010 · With Respect to .NET framework 4.6 and Visual Studio 2017 you can take the below steps: On the option bar at the top of visual studio, select the 4th option "Project" and under that click on the last option which says [ProjectName]Properties.Click on it & you shall see a new tab has been opened.Under that select the Application option on the left and you will see the …
Stackoverflow.comDoes C# 8 support the .NET Framework? - Stack Overflow
Mar 12, 2020 · The C# language has historically been mostly framework neutral - i.e. able to compile older versions of the framework - although some features have required new types or CLR support. Most C# enthusiasts will have read the blog entry Building C# 8.0 by Mads Torgersen, which explains that certain features of C# 8 have platform dependencies: