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Display item policy in item record - Have an idea for Ex Libris?
Dec 19, 2018 · Admin Yael (, ex libris) commented · September 18, 2023 12:10 AM · · Delete… Following the feedbacks regarding the implementation in Primo BO - we would like to emphasize that this enhancement was planned only for Primo VE and communicated in the roadmap as such.
Ideas.exlibrisgroup.comAdd Homosaurus to Alma Authority Vocabularies - Have an idea …
Jan 17, 2024 · Hello, Thank you for this valuable feedback. We have fixed this issue, and now the vocabulary can be used with the correct code. Please be advised that you will need to delete the records and then
Ideas.exlibrisgroup.comBATCH JOB TO CREATE ITEMS – Have an idea for Ex Libris?
Jul 3, 2024 · We need a batch job to add items to existing holdings records. During migration we did not realize the importance of having items for display in Primo. One of our locations shows (0 copies, 0 available) when we do have non-circulating copies.
Ideas.exlibrisgroup.comDisplay both link in record and links from link resolver in CDI
Sep 9, 2020 · Known Issue, which ex libris states won't be fixed, and means we cannot use this feature: "When the Display Multiple Links from CDI feature is enabled and CDI returns multiple links, direct linking is disabled in the availability statement in the brief results.
Ideas.exlibrisgroup.comAdd Alma support for microlanguages and language codes …
Alma’s support for Language for search indexing, facet, and display is hardcoded for 041 to the 3 digit MARC Code List for Languages. This excludes languages recognised by Library of Congress, such as Austlang languages which were recognised more than 6 years ago in 2018. This issue has been addressed in Primo in 2021 and 2022 with customer advocacy efforts, but …
Ideas.exlibrisgroup.comAdd 'due date' to items list – Have an idea for Ex Libris?
Aug 8, 2016 · When student put a book on hold it would be useful to see when the on loan books are due to be returned in the item list rather than having to go into each individual onloan item to see when it is to be returned. Often we have 20 items out at a time and it would be good to have a quick overview of the return date.
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Jan 23, 2024 · When using Lender Due date for RS items (Fulfillment > General > Other Settings > ignore_lender_due_date = false) the date for Pick up from shelf is the same as the Due date. This is, according to ExLibris, working as intended, but we have a few issues with the workflow. This makes the workflow more manual and difficult than needed, given that we have to …
Ideas.exlibrisgroup.comRosetta: New (161 ideas) – Have an idea for Ex Libris?
I am new to ex libris Idea Exchange and would like to understand more about how the platform works. How do I submit a new idea? Are there any requirements for the content of the proposal? Also, how does the voting system work, and how are …
Ideas.exlibrisgroup.comPatron physical item request - Have an idea for Ex Libris?
Jul 21, 2016 · I suggest that if the "not needed by " date is reached then the patron request is cancelled. The only function of “date not needed by” for patron physical item requests is to prevent items from being put into transit from other locations if the transit cannot be completed by the required date. However this is not clear to patrons and users ask us why we send Hold …
Ideas.exlibrisgroup.comLanguage as part of citation – Have an idea for Ex Libris?
Nov 13, 2019 · We would like that the language of the document to be part of the citations. In a non-english speaking country as Norway there are political interest to see how much of the reading are in Norwegian and how much that are in other languages. Language is a part of the records in Alma, and also for the records that are fetched from Primo, so it should be possible …