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A one-stop shop for Canadians to donate and fundraise online for any registered Canadian charity. A complete online fundraising solution for charities.
Canadahelps.orgDonate Now - Canadian Red Cross
donate to the Canadian Red Cross and enable us to provide help, hope and compassion to people struggling through a crisis.
Redcross.caDonate – The Salvation Army in Canada
We provide several methods for making an online donation. Other Ways to donate: Make Donations by Phone or by Mail. where the need is greatest. making a monthly donation. Give in honour of a loved one. donate to a specific unit or location. Make a gift in your will to create an everlasting legacy of hope.
Salvationarmy.caDonate to St. John Ambulance Locally or Nationally
Donations can be made to your local St. John Ambulance Branch Office online, by phone, by mail or in-person. Support one of Canada's oldest charitable organizations by donating to St. John Ambulance's community services and programs. Your generosity will help us continue to save lives at work, home, and
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Make my donation anonymous. Add a one-time charitable donation to CanadaHelps so they can continue to offer affordable online fundraising technology to charities like us! Visit the post for more.
Sudburyfoodbank.caDonate Now - Oxfam Canada
Oxfam is a global organization working to end the injustice of poverty. Your donation will help us save lives in disasters, tackle the root causes of poverty, and hold the powerful accountable. A monthly gift is the most effective way to support our work. Would you like to dedicate this gift? I would like to receive email updates from Oxfam Canada.
Secured.oxfam.caDonate Online | Arthritis Society Canada
Make an online donation. Make a one-time gift, donate monthly or donate in honour or in memory of a loved one.
Arthritis.caDonate to a ReStore | Habitat for Humanity Canada
donate, shop, or volunteer today. Find a Habitat ReStore near you Why donate to Habitat ReStore? Habitat ReStore is a social enterprise, where profits make a positive social impact. All ReStore profits are directed to Habitat for Humanity organizations in Canada to help build homes for families in need of safe, decent and affordable housing.
Habitat.caWays to give | Heart and Stroke Foundation
By supporting Heart & Stroke you’ll be saving moments and saving lives. One of the most powerful ways you can make a difference is by becoming a monthly donor to fund vital research year round. Every single donation makes a difference, helping to prevent disease, save lives and transform recovery.
Heartandstroke.caDonations of Clothing & Household Goods - Salvation Army Thrift …
donate from July 2nd to July 14th and receive a coupon for 50% OFF* all clothing purchases on July 15th, 2024. Redeemable one day only! Do good, feel good, and look good this #GiveSomethingAwayDay.
Thriftstore.caMake a donation | Canadian Cancer Society
When you support the Canadian Cancer Society, you’re doing more than simply making a donation - you’re helping the nearly half of Canadians who will hear the words “you have cancer” in their lifetime. Join a community of people who fund groundbreaking research and provide unending support to Canadians affected by cancer.
Cancer.caWays to Donate - UNICEF Canada : For Every Child
How to donate to UNICEF Canada. There are many ways to donate to help children. The fastest and easiest way is to donate online. Monthly donations give us stability in reaching short and long-term goals. If you prefer to pick specific gifts for children, we recommend purchasing them through our Survival Gifts store. donate by phone
Unicef.caDonate to Habitat - Habitat for Humanity Canada | Ways to give
Discover ways to support Habitat for Humanity Canada. Volunteer, donate financially, or shop at ReStores.
Habitat.caDonate to Plan International Canada to help advance children's …
Help make a difference for children and girls by making a one-time or monthly donation, buy a Gift of Hope, sponsor a child or make a lasting impact with a legacy gift.
Plancanada.caYour Donation in Action - Canadian Red Cross
Learn how the Canadian Red Cross uses your donations to make a difference in the lives of those that need our help.
Redcross.caCommunity Closet – Better Beginnings Sudbury
All donations are by appointment only. We have community members in need of drinking glasses, pots and pans, microwaves and furniture. Please call Genevieve @ 705-671-1941 ex 236 or …
Betterbeginningssudbury.caDonate a Gift to The Salvation Army
Help provide food, clothing, shelter and life-changing services. Your kind gift today shows you care and changes lives. More and more children, families and seniors across Canada are seeking help. You can be a lifeline for your neighbours in need. Give Hope Today and Everyday. Contact us: 1-800-SAL-ARMY (1-800-725-2769).
Donate.salvationarmy.caDonate -
If you have extra building materials or items to donate when renovating, contact the Sudbury ReStore to see if they accept your specific item. If you're interested in pickup, inquire about this too, as it may be offered. See the Habitat Restore website for further details:
Greatersudbury.caUrgent Needs: Help where it is needed most - Compassion Canada
Need help choosing where to give? Email a Relationship Manager or call 1-800-563-5437.
Compassion.caBuy, Donate or Sell It - Greater Sudbury
donate items to family, friends, local groups, community centres and churches. Some shelters and retirement homes may accept donations. You can even donate reusable items from your own front lawn ( download our free sign ) (PDF, 97 KB).