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Use deltamath's modules to create high-leverage assignments and track student learning. With deltamath PLUS or INTEGRAL, students also get access to help videos. Create and assign tests, assign specific problem-types, even create your own problem.
Ready to begin? Just click the 'Register' button. (You'll need a class code to create an account.)
deltamath modules are aligned to state standards for the US and Canada, including AP (Calculus and Precalculus). Teachers can sort skills by standards when creating assignments, tests, or test corrections to quickly find appropriate skills to match their curriculum.
Deltamath.comContent Overview - DeltaMath Help Center
deltamath has 1900+ skills that cover mathematics content from 6th-12th grade. Our content includes a variety of interactive features and student response types which enable teachers to effectively scaffold and differentiate concepts to meet the needs of all students.
Help.deltamath.comDeltaMath Help Center
deltamath Support Center helps you to find FAQ, how-to guides and step-by-step tutorials.
deltamath comes straight from the source. Proven learning that you can trust. Zach Korzyk created deltamath in 2009 when he wrote a simple program on substituting values into the Quadratic Formula.
Deltamath.comGetting Started - DeltaMath Help Center
Learn how to get started using your deltamath account and setting up your classes.
With a deltamath Teacher account, you can create unlimited assignments. With deltamath PLUS or INTEGRAL, you can also assign videos, create tests, select specific problem sub-types, and/or create your own problem.
Deltamath.comAccessibility Statement - DeltaMath Help Center
deltamath problems often ask students to interpret an image, which could be a graph, diagram or geometric figure. In order to ensure that all users have access to a given image, we have employed three different strategies depending on the complexity of that image.
A teacher code is provided by your teacher and gives you free access to their assignments.